such | wagashi | moments
Sachiko Matsunami 松波佐知子
和菓子フォトグラファー 写真家 翻訳家
wagashi photographer | photographer | translator
和菓子フォトグラファー、写真家 | wagashi photographer
2020年よりwagashi momentsの名で、茶室で和菓子撮影を愉しむ写真教室『写菓の会』と、和菓子づくりと写真のミニレッスン
橋田龍馬認定プロ写真講師 |認定子ども写真講師。
「写真がもっとうまくなる!デジタル一眼マスターBOOK」コスミック出版 (2017.11)
「ASIA COLOR TREND BOOK®︎2022-23」DIC Corporation (2020.12)
「GENIC vol.58 いと、おいしくて」mitsubachiworks (2021.03)
「IRODORI by X Series インタビュー」富士フィルム (2021.07)
「内閣官房 新型コロナウイルス等感染症対策推進室」の特設サイト参加(2022.03)
「IRODORI by X Series テーブルフォトテクニック vol.5」富士フィルム (2022.04)
「写真展「Nikon CREATORS」my favorite photo -GENIC+meriken cafe with Nikon」 (2023.06)
「Nikon Creatorsの履歴書 第10回」GENIC (2024.01)
As I gained more experience and understanding of photography, I had the momentous discovery that the therapeutic effects of taking pictures were very similar to yoga and meditation, in relieving stress and enhancing concentration. When I worked as a food photographer, I was enchanted by the rich world of Wagashi (traditional Japanese confectionery) which reflects the abundant sense of seasons and nature with design and color, and I plunged into a study of Wagashi. Creating wagashi gratifies my senses and brings meditative healing moments. Now I have "Shaka-no-kai" (wagashi & photography workshops) and "Soka-no-kai" (wagashi making workshops) to enjoy photography and savor nature for relaxing and self-insight while making wagashi and taking photos at a traditional Japanese tea house and garden.
翻訳家 | translator
2023年 産経児童出版文化賞 翻訳出版賞受賞「カメラにうつらなかった真実」(徳間書店)
I have translated articles of 'Yoga Journal' 'Yoga Journal Online,', children's books, company materials & websites for over 20 years.
「ヨガジャーナル 日本版」「ヨガジャーナル オンライン」(株式会社インタースペース)